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With yoga against colds

Jan 13, 2022

  • Yoga

With yoga against the common cold: the right exercises and breathing techniques

An underestimated factor that often leads to a weakened immune system and colds is stress. A constant hectic daily routine, mental upsets and inner turmoil not only have a negative effect on our mind, but also on our body. With chronic stress, our body's defence cells are blocked by stress hormones, making it harder for our body to fight bacteria or viruses.

Yoga serves to unite body and mind and, with the right exercises, restores both your mental and physical balance. In this way, you strengthen your immune system and help to alleviate the symptoms of colds.

In this article, we explain why yoga strengthens your immune system and can help you prevent colds. Also learn how you can support your body with yoga exercises and breathing techniques to treat a cold.

Woman breathing

Yoga exercises for a strong immune system

Most of us know that yoga has a positive effect on our body and mind in many ways, but what many do not know: Yoga strengthens the immune system. The deep and controlled breathing not only has a strengthening effect on the diaphragm, but also prevents harmful germs and pathogens from easily settling into our respiratory organs.

Our intestines make a particularly important contribution to a healthy immune system. It is often called the centre of our immune system, and rightly so, because it produces around 90% of our antibodies. Yoga exercises that massage the intestine can make a valuable contribution to its health, and thus also to our health.

One yoga exercise for a strong immune system is Pawanmuktasana, the gas-releasing pose. Simply lie relaxed on your back on your yoga mat and lift your right leg while inhaling. As you exhale, pull your bent leg towards your belly, hugging your knee with your hands. Breathe deeply into your abdomen for 2-3 minutes and then repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Yoga Exercises for a Cold - How to Get Relief

In the cold seasons, however, even a strengthened immune system often does not protect us from catching a cold. With the onset of cold, our defences have a harder time and so even experienced yogis catch one or two viruses. But yoga can help here too. With the right exercises, you can support your body in the healing process and alleviate your symptoms.


Yoga for headaches and colds

Yoga can help you with mild headaches and colds

You don't have a fever, but other typical cold symptoms like headaches and colds? We have a few different exercises that will calm your head and help you breathe easier.

  • Viparita Karani - half a candle: This exercise not only relieves your headache caused by a cold, but also helps against a tense back, which often plagues us after lying around during a cold. Lay a blanket folded several times on the floor against a wall. Now lie on the floor so that your buttocks are placed on the blanket and your legs are stretched upwards and leaning against the wall. Your buttocks should be about 10 cm away from the wall. Let your arms rest loosely at your sides, breathe deeply and relax.
  • Padahastasana - standing forward bend: This simple yoga exercise strengthens the nervous system and can help you release tension. It also increases blood flow to the head and clears the sinuses. Stand with your legs hip-width apart and slowly bend your upper body forward and down until your hands touch the floor. If you find this exercise difficult, you can bend your knees to reach the floor.
  • Matsyasana - the fish: This exercise not only relaxes the neck and shoulders, but also helps you with respiratory diseases. The posture opens your chest and oxygen can flow deep into your lungs. This also helps to moisten your respiratory organs. Lie flat on your back on your yoga mat with your legs closed and your toes stretched away from your body. Place your hands palms down under your buttocks so that your thumbs touch. Your arms remain stretched under your body as far as possible. Tilt your chin towards your sternum and now lean on your forearms as you inhale to lift yourself into a backbend. As you exhale, gently lower your head into your neck and onto the yoga mat.

You should always adapt these exercises to your state of health. If you have a fever or feel too ill to unpack your yoga mat, then you should rather refrain from yoga exercises. Exercise takes valuable energy from your body, which it needs for immune defence and the healing process when you are ill. If you are really sick, then rest and get relief with our relaxing breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises for colds

An important part of yoga is pranayama, which brings body and mind together through breathing exercises. Prana means life energy or spirit, which is controlled or expanded (ayama) in the form of the breath. Especially if you have a fever or are not well enough for asana practice, we recommend the following meditative breathing techniques:

  • Nadi Shodhana Pranayama - alternate breathing: This exercise helps to clear the airways. It is therefore good if you have a cold or sore throat. Sit comfortably in a lotus position on your knees or on a chair and place your left hand relaxed on your thigh. Place the index and middle fingers of your right hand between your eyebrows and cover your right nostril with your thumb. Now inhale slowly and deeply through your left nostril. Pause briefly, open your right nostril, close your left nostril with your ring finger and exhale slowly. Breathe in again through the same nostril and then switch again. While inhaling and exhaling, you can count to 5 to check the length of your breaths.
  • Bhramari Pranayama - Bee Breathing: It can help you relieve headaches or migraines. Sit in a relaxed posture with your back straight and place your index fingers on the front ear cartilages under the temples. Close your eyes and breathe in deeply. As you exhale, press lightly on your ear cartilages and make a buzzing sound, like a bee. Repeat this a few times and try the breathing while lying down if you feel very tired.

Inhale & Exhale

Back to strength with tranquillity

These simple exercises can already help you feel better when you have a cold and get better faster. But always make sure that the exercises do not exceed your strength. A cold is your body's invitation to slow down and rest. If you conserve your energy, your body can use it specifically to fight the pathogens and for regeneration. You can support this process with yoga.

However, listen to your body's signals. You should generally avoid strenuous exercises in the acute phase of an illness. If even the gentle asanas feel too strenuous, then it is better to leave them aside until you are fit again and content yourself with pleasant breathing exercises. If your nose is also too blocked for these, you can always lie down on your bed in Shavasana, the deep relaxation position on your back, and make yourself comfortable with pillows and blankets.

When you are sick, it is time to give your body a break. Make yourself a nice cup of tea, relax and try to enjoy the short break. Who knows, maybe you can counteract the stress of everyday life and prevent the next cold.

Breathing in nature