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The right morning routine for a successful day

Apr 28, 2022

According to traditional yoga teachings, the morning is the perfect time to practise meditation, mindfulness exercises and asanas. This is because our minds are still calm in the morning, and not burdened with the thoughts of everyday life. Yoga and meditation can therefore be part of a balanced morning routine that will start your day fresh and in a good mood.

But how exactly can such a routine look like, what does it actually do and is a morning routine really something for everyone? You can find out more in our blog article.

The perfect morning routine - starting the day productively

You wake up, hit the snooze button five times on your alarm clock and then drag yourself out of bed in a bad mood and with a nagging conscience. Does this sound familiar? Many people have trouble getting out of bed in the morning and start their day slowly, disorganised and unproductive. 

A healthy morning routine is meant to change just that by making small rituals that suit you a habit, thus giving you a successful start to the day. But what do you have to consider and how do you find a routine that suits you? Here are five points you should consider to make your routine a success.

1. planning

The first and one of the most important steps is a certain amount of planning. If you have to decide every morning what to eat for breakfast, what to wear, which step on your to-do list to do first, then your brain is spending valuable energy on it. You also waste time on these thought processes. According to social psychologist Ron Friedman, every morning we have about three really focused hours. If you make all these decisions the day before, you keep those hours and your energy for more productive tasks.

2. time for you

Your morning routine should not only make you more productive, but you should also enjoy it. The expression "got up on the wrong side of the bed" does not exist for nothing, because when we get up in a bad mood, we often carry this mood with us throughout the day. Take time in the morning just for you, in which you dedicate yourself to your needs. This way you start the day already in a good mood and stay in this mood much sooner.

Have you been wanting to listen to more music or read an exciting book? Maybe your morning routine is the perfect moment to revive such activities. Maybe there's a podcast you've been interested in for a while, or you want to spend a few minutes cuddling your cat or playing with your dog. Find out what the little pleasures of your life are and consciously treat yourself to them in the morning.

3. exercise, sport and meditation

A fresh body and mind can help you start the day full of energy. Maybe you like jogging and can motivate yourself to go for a morning run. It gets your circulation going and the fresh morning air wakes you up. 

If jogging isn't your thing, or you prefer a more leisurely approach to your mornings, you can build up a yoga morning routine. With a few simple asanas, you stretch your muscles after hours of slumber and prepare your body for the day. Especially if you sit at the computer a lot during the day, a morning yoga routine can benefit you. With yoga exercises, you can improve your posture in the long term and compensate for the hours you spend hunched over your desk. A few backbends like cobra, wild thing or camel can work wonders.

If you're an extreme morning person and can barely drag yourself from bed to the coffee machine, you don't have to force exercise in the morning. We all tick differently and you have to find what works for you. If you prefer to exercise in the evening, maybe you can do some calming breathing or mindfulness exercises in the morning. breathing or mindfulness exercises in the morning. in the morning. There are many different pranayama exercises that have a positive effect on our nervous system and meditation can help you spend some mindful moments with yourself in the early hours.

4. plenty of water and a healthy breakfast

Besides exercise and mindfulness, you should also pay attention to your diet in the morning. Do you sometimes just grab a quick croissant on your way to work? Maybe you can try to incorporate a healthy and leisurely breakfast into your routine. With a bowl of with a bowl of muesli, oatmeal, fresh fruit or tasty smoothies you're already providing yourself with precious vitamins and nutrients for the day.

If you can't get a bite to eat in the morning, you can make yourself comfortable with a cup of coffee or tea. Take the opportunity to spend time with yourself and enjoy the early hours. You may also want to get into the habit of drinking a glass of water before your cup of tea or breakfast. Our bodies use a lot of fluids overnight for various regeneration processes, so you should refuel as early as possible. 

5. be consistent, but remain realistic

The most important thing in your morning routine is, of course, repetition. Good intentions that you keep tomorrow and forget the day after won't help much. Try to get used to your new rituals and actually do them every day. Of course, you can set your own rules for the weekend, for example, if you want to sleep longer or have brunch with friends. However, don't try to throw all your good intentions overboard at the weekend, but make a conscious decision about what you want to do differently. 

If the routine doesn't work out, don't be too hard on yourself. Remember: Your personal morning routine is only for yourself and you don't owe anyone anything. Don't give up and try again tomorrow! Also, remember that it's easier to stick to a routine if it's realistic, if it is realistic and does not demand too much of you at once.

The early bird gets the worm?

You think a successful morning routine is only for early risers? There are so many proverbs that suggest that if you're a late riser, you've already lost. But in the meantime we have known for a long time that owls are not lazier than larks, but simply tick differently genetically. Some people hop out of bed at 6 a.m. in a good mood and others still have trouble getting up at 9 or 10. If you're one of the owls, that doesn't mean you can't create your own morning routine. You don't have to go for a jog at 6am. 

Adapt your routine to you and your rhythm and don't try to compare yourself too much with other people, because genetics has its own ideas. Who knows, you might be able to get up a little earlier with your morning routine, if that's what you want. In any case, make sure you get enough sleep and don't sacrifice it for an overambitious routine. About between 7 and 9 hours healthy adults need per night.

With the right amount of sleep and a routine that suits you, you'll be able to work with focus, be productive and start the day in a good mood. Whether it's jogging, yoga or meditation, a few moments just for you can make you more balanced, less stressed and able to enjoy the morning hours.