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Positive energy through Yoga in everyday life

Oct 28, 2020

Yoga exercises in autumn for more positive energy

Yoga makes you feel good. Probably one of the most important reasons why you love your practice so much. Science also proves the positive effect of yoga on our mood, as the GEO magazine confirms with the article How and why does yoga work?

Now that the days are getting shorter again, it is even more important to recharge your energy regularly. Yoga is a good source for positive thoughts and new energy. In this article you will learn how yoga affects your energy flow and which yoga exercises you can do in autumn to strengthen this effect.

Get out of the low spirits

A relaxed weekend lies behind you, you have barbecued with friends and enjoyed the last rays of sunshine. On Sunday evening you sit comfortably on your couch with a cup of tea and plan to start the next week with verve and energy.

But already on Monday morning the positive energy of the previous evening disappeared into thin air. One more reason to include a sun salutation in your morning routine. Just 10 minutes of yoga in the morning can bring a satisfied smile to your face. But why is this so?

Why does Yoga give energy?

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Yoga is often seen as a pure workout, which only improves physical fitness. The most important aspect of yoga practice is the spiritual philosophy. Those who take a deeper look at the theory behind the asanas - so-called "resting postures" in yoga - will soon realize that yoga is not just fitness, but a way of life.

If you combine asanas with the appropriate mindset, you literally turn on the tap and remove all blockages that interrupt your energy flow. Your body releases endorphins, increases the blood flow to your brain and thus pays less attention to tiring thoughts.

Yoga also includes practices like Aparigraha, which means "letting go of thoughts". Through this kind of mindfulness we can take care of our well-being and keep negative attitudes and feelings in check. This way you need less energy to keep negative attitudes and feelings in check and feel lighter and more balanced.

How to strengthen your energy flow with Yoga

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Autumn is a time to say goodbye to the hot summer temperatures and prepare for the cool winter days. The weather changes between sunny with a fresh breeze and mercilessly stormy, wet. Autumn is a wonderful time of change.

It is the phase in which nature frees itself from what is no longer needed. Trees let go of their leaves, the foliage becomes a warm winter blanket and finally decomposes into compost that enriches the soil. In this way, nature prepares itself for the next spring.

Our bodies are also preparing for winter. We begin to withdraw and concentrate on the essential. According to Eastern philosophy, autumn is determined by the so-called metal element: The associated organs are the lungs and the large intestine, which on a spiritual level reflect letting go and receiving energy.

For a good energy flow, we recommend maintaining a daily yoga routine, preferably at the same time every day. This will help you to stay calm and balanced in times of change and transition.

Pay special attention to asanas that focus on the lungs and large intestine, strengthen your breathing and make sure you get enough sleep to replenish your energy reserves.

Six asanas for an energetic start to the day

The following yoga exercises will not only give you a lively start to the day, but will also help you get through the afternoon slump. You should always use them when you need a little energy boost.

1. the cat-cow pose - Chakravakasana

Cat-cow is the pose in which you are on all fours, bending your spine up and down like a cat. This asana calms the mind and relaxes the nervous system. The gentle rhythm of the movement soothes you internally.

2. the warrior - Vira Bhadrasana

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This asana is performed standing up and is a fantastic exercise to relieve tension and stress. Start in the mountain pose and take a big step forward. Your front leg is bent at a 90-degree angle while your back leg remains stretched. Make your back long and stretch your arms upwards.

The warrior grounds your spirit, making you feel strengthened and ready for new challenges.

3. the comfortable sitting posture - Sukhasana (variation)

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The cross-legged position is a relaxing and pleasant sitting posture, which is therefore ideal for a morning meditation. If you open your chest and shoulders in this posture, you also draw energy for your day.

Place your fingertips on the floor behind you. Your elbows are slightly bent and pull towards each other. When breathing in, press your fingers into the floor and bring your back into the hollow back. Open your chest and look up. After a few attentive breaths you will feel the positive energy flowing through your body.

4. the goddess posture - Utkata Konasana

In this posture, both feet are firmly rooted in the ground, which helps you to ground yourself. The spine is straight, the navel pulls inwards, which lengthens the body and releases tension. Arms and hands are stretched upwards, giving you a feeling of stability in your back and shoulders.

Your chest is wide open, you breathe deeply and feel the inner balance. You feel strong like a goddess.

5. the happy baby - Ananda Balasana

Lie on your back and pull the knees towards your chest. Grasp your feet with your hands, open your hips and start swinging slowly back and forth. The gentle massage of the spine helps you to relax. Holding your knees also gives you a feeling of security.

6. the shoulder bridge - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

All back-bending poses help to release endorphins. They help to reduce stress and anxiety and increase well-being. So does the shoulder bridge.

To enter the shoulder bridge, lie on your back and position your hands next to your body. Pull your feet close to your buttocks and lift your hips off the floor so that only your feet, shoulders and head are in contact with the floor. To make this posture even more relaxed for you, you can place a yoga block under your buttocks.

Take a few deep breaths before slowly rolling your back and returning to the starting position. What can also help you to get more energy in your daily life are breathing exercises.

How can I achieve more energy and relaxation with breathing exercises?

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It's called "breath of life" for a reason. Breathing is one of the most important survival functions of our body. It affects the oxygen level in our blood and therefore in all our organs and brain. A deep breath therefore has a positive effect on our entire body.

Pranayama, the yoga of breathing, brings similar benefits to the practice of meditation. The rhythmic guidance of the breath helps you to absorb oxygen. Used regularly, this practice relieves anxiety, increases life energy, improves concentration and combats insomnia.

A good entry level exercise is the "Breath Of Fire." Start with this pranayama for only 30 seconds. Increase the duration slowly over time so that your body can get used to the breathing technique and you don't feel dizzy.

This is how the "Breath of Fire" works:

1. sit upright and create space between your belly button and heart

2. take a few relaxing breaths through the nose to arrive at the here and now. Make sure that your belly moves first outwards and then inwards as you breathe. As you inhale, imagine that your diaphragm is like a balloon filled with air.  

3. gradually increase your breathing rate. Try to inhale and exhale at the same rate to establish a rhythm.

4. after 30 seconds let your breathing return to a natural pace.

In our article 3 breathing exercises for more puff in everyday life you will find more pranayama exercises that you can easily try at home.

Yoga in the evening improves your sleep

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Are you still in the rhythm of the summer and find it difficult to descend in the evening? Pranayamas can help you fall asleep faster. In combination with the following exercises, nothing stands in the way of a good night's sleep, so you can recharge your energy at night:

1. legs against the wall - Viparita Karani

This restful exercise relaxes your nervous system and simultaneously stimulates your blood circulation. To do this, lie on your back, push your buttocks close to the wall and then stretch your legs upwards.

2. lying butterfly position - Bhadrasana

The butterfly calms the brain and reduces mental activity. This asana is also performed lying down. If you have done Viparita Karani before, slide something away from the wall for the butterfly. Then bend your legs, let your knees fall outwards and actively press the soles of your feet against each other.

3. the dead position - Shavasana

Afterwards you put your legs down again and stretch them out a little together with your arms. Your palms are pointing upwards. Pay attention to how your body feels on the surface and breathe slowly and deeply.

Shavasana gives you a moment in which you feel the effect of all the previous exercises. Therefore, this asana is best suited for the end of your practice.

Hold each of these poses for about two minutes immediately before going to bed for a deep and restful sleep.

Yoga in autumn - time to let go

To All-In-One Terra Art yoga mat

The yoga philosophy with its breathing exercises and asanas helps you to prepare for the colder seasons and to keep up with the changing nature.

Let things flow instead of holding on to them. The flow of energy is a cycle and will always provide you with new momentum as you learn to let go.

Use the changeover phase to get rid of the old and focus on the essential. Create a yoga routine that relaxes you and gives you energy at the same time...

and don't forget your LUVIYO!