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"So there I was, sitting in the little dark room with this slightly strange yoga instructor, waiting for it to finally start."

Apr 20, 2021

Have you ever wondered what yoga and climbing have in common? Or what benefits come from your yoga practice? In this interview @yoga.anay gives us an insight about her active lifestyle.

Yoga Pose Bridge on LUVIYO Matt

Dear Jana, since when have you been doing yoga and how did you get into it?

I came into contact with yoga for the first time in 2017. A friend had taken me to a yoga university sports course. I thought it would be a great balance to my previous sport, climbing. Until that day I thought yoga was a way to stretch and stay flexible. What was really behind this extraordinary "lifestyle" and how yoga would change and influence me and my life I could not guess at that time. So there I sat in the small dark room of the university building with this somewhat strange yoga teacher and waited for it to finally start. The class was called power yoga. My thoughts on this were," I do exercise, it won't be that hard."

After one and a half hours of One-Breath-One-Movement Flow I was exhausted but overjoyed. This yoga class managed to totally flash me. I was in the moment and was able to let loose. It was a moving meditation that I felt that day. Or at least that's how it felt to me when I left the room happy.

From then on, it was my desire to get more involved with the topic of yoga. I attended yoga classes and educated myself through books and online videos, until I finally fulfilled my big wish and completed a yoga teacher training. I can now call myself a certified Ashtanga-Vinyasa yoga teacher and have already started another yin yoga training. Because even as a yoga teacher the continuous learning never stops: "Yoga teacher - but forever a yoga student"!

Forarmstand Yoga yoga.anay LUVIYO

What forms of yoga do you practice or have you tried?

I have already tried Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga and Yin Yoga. My current practice is a mix of all these styles. I try not to get stuck on one form, but practice whatever style my body needs at any given time. I love to let loose in the First Series of Ashtanga yoga, or try out powerful dynamic and creative flows of Vinyasa yoga. Since Yin Yoga is the perfect complement to the more dynamic and active yoga practices of Ashtanga and Vinyasa, I practice it to give my muscles a break and rest.

What fascinates you about yoga?

Yoga is so multifaceted. In the beginning I thought yoga was only about the asanas. But when I thought outside the box, I learned so many important things that have enriched me and my life.

Do you have other passions besides yoga? Do you practice other sports or other hobbies?

Since I am a very active person, many sports inspire me. I love to be out and about in the mountains and do ski tours and alpine tours here. I also love climbing and bouldering.

Bouldering Yoga yoga.anay LUVIYO

You told us you like to go climbing. Where do you like to climb the most? Have you also noticed benefits in climbing through your yoga practice?

I climb indoor as well as outdoor. My favorite climbing area is the Saxon Switzerland. This part of Germany is a fascinating piece of earth to which I have lost my heart. The beautiful sandstone peaks are incredibly impressive and the tranquility of nature in the deep forest of the national park is simply overwhelming.

Through my regular yoga practice I have become much more flexible and can integrate this active flexibility into my climbing skills. Climbing and yoga are also very similar in terms of mental state. When climbing a route you are also in the moment, nothing else matters, you calm your mind. This state is hard to describe, which brings me to the answer of the next question!

Yoga Bouldering Benefits LUVIYO

What advice would you give a yoga newbie or why would you advise someone to start with yoga and maybe how? ?

Try it! You have nothing to lose!

Do you have a mom yoga lifestyle hack for us?

It is not always easy to reconcile everything: Child, family, work, yoga and other activities. There I often reach my limits, unfortunately there is no secret recipe here - being able to multitask is quite advantageous. In general, I try to keep calm in today's fast-paced world and enjoy life, especially the moments with my wonderful family.

Is there a life motto which accompanies you and you want to betray us?

Simple but meaningful: "Don't worry, be happy" - Meher Baba

Yoga Split Outdoor